Opposite of Congress


Hello everyone,

It might have gone unnoticed to some of you, but a lot has happened since the last news update posted on this site. About time we shared another glimpse of what we've been cooking in the TestBuilt kitchen...

For starters, the content from the old forum has been hacked, slashed and transmutated to fit into the new forum on our own web host. None of which would have been possible without the combined efforts of Tedjuh and ahhtheegg. The rough edges are polished and everything runs pretty smooth at the moment. Credits also go to TeslaCoil for starting and maintaining the original forum from the early beginnings of the project. All in all this opens up a lot of new possibilities for the future development.

There is more on the horizon regarding the web side of things. The development of a new main website is nearly finished and will be opened for public a.s.a.p. Again thanks to the sweat and tears put in by Tedjuh to give the site a fresh face and some lovely content.
One of the bigger challenges ahead will be to link everything to the game accounts to develop some new fancy features. Wish us well folks... Wink

Regarding the development of the game itself... Without going into the technical details we can say for sure that a lot of time was spent to setup and test with the UMA system. And rightfully so! The new avatars are destined to be the stars of the next release. Despite some nifty custom editor tools a lot of attention was spent on the artistic (eye candy) side of development then has been the case so far. A short (and incomplete) summary of recent activities for the die-hards:

Slicing and dicing the male & female body meshes for optimal combining on run-time.
Setting up a pile of content and configuring these assets for an initial set of items.
Refining a system enabling mesh clothes to fall-back to a body overlay texture.
Created a shit load of brilliant icons for all these awesome goodies.

In any case, we'll be back with more news about the new website (and release) soon... Wink