Oh Noes - VU 0.5.6 Delayed
Some of you might have already caught this story through other channels...
Here's the official story to counter any false rumors that might be floating about...
State of the Ion
The deadline for the 0.5.6. release has been pushed forward by a couple of days in order to finish it properly. Most of the new content and features are ready to go but there's still some work needed on recipes, balancing and testing. Unless we encounter some big issues we should have things ready within the next week.
UMA Beta
The Unity Multipurpose Avatar tool has been maturing steadily and is close to a stable release. Fernando and Joen are still working diligently on features that require some specialist feedback that we could only wish to be providing. Thinking of other ways to help assist in UMA's further development inspired us to present our first official event.
The Ion UMA event
Design a nice set of armor (or clothes) for use in Project Ion and win big prizes. This might be a big challenge for a first official event but there will be more challenges concerning different areas of expertise. We plan to work on implementing UMA in our next development cycle so it makes sense to get them the attention they deserve.
Final Note
This delay may be a bit disappointing, but rest assured that we are not taking this lightly. We've even been stepping up a notch to try and meet the circulated e.t.a. which itself should actually be nothing more than that, an estimation of when things are done. The couple of days we need should still fit that rough estimate, and (finally) here are some pictures to prove it...