VU 0.5.2 - The Industrial Era


After a minor setback we are proud to present an extra large update.

Release notes 0.5.2

- new: Refining, Component production and Assembly of items are implemented and need to be tested thoroughly
- new: Buffered impact and footstep particles for improved performance
- new: Some new icons where added and some others got a makeover
- new: A message is shown in case the maximum amount of players has been reached
- new: Full screen or window mode setting is now maintained between sessions
- new: Team members are now shown on radar as yellow dots
- new: The application is closed on logout

- fixed: Items can now be switched directly after replacing an item in the active toolbar slot
- fixed: The private chat insert bug causing people to chat in reverse speech was fun, but should be fixed

- optimized: Code handling Weaponry particles was rewritten to prevent visual lag while moving and shooting with fast weapons
- optimized: Network RPCs has been finetuned to be more efficient under (heavy) load
- optimized: More efficient debug system to keep track of everything without having to dig through huge logfiles. (about 1.5 MB a day)

Without any further formalities we will leave it up to the players to figure some things out for themselves... Wink