VU 0.5.9 - Watch Your Bag

release notes 0.5.9
- fixed: falling through the ground due to some holes in the terrain mesh and a bug in the input/position controller
- fixed: fall damage while teleporting and stamina loss while running on steep hills (up and down)
- fixed: water shader showed semi-transparent artifacts from distant trees
- fixed: the huge radar object which could be seen while falling through the ground
- fixed: readying and using tools/weapons by pressing the toolbar quick keys
- fixed: awkward behavior of the item info window (right-click inventory interaction)
- fixed: automatic unequiping when items are moved to storage etc.
- fixed: multiple issues fixed in the Pwn Shop (clean up on isle 5)
- fixed: adjusted healkit recipe missing 1 part
- fixed: a couple of issues with trade and team requests
- fixed: synching jump to remote players
- optimized: storage and inventory processing needed on the server
- optimized: character input controller almost completely rewritten
- optimized: AI server processing needs are reduced to a minimum
- changes: AI was changed to allow implementation of flying creatures
- changes: arrow buttons were added to the list of selectable inputs
- changes: some adjustment to mining now with three types of bombs
- new: PvP area where players drop their raw materials as a pickup when they die.
- new: in the new PvP area only team members or creatures will be visable on radar
- new: replaced johns ancient spider model with a free mutant spider asset from kalamona
- new: the first flying creature has been spotted, caution is advised considering the area
- new: buildings based on schlumpfsack's scifi package modified using a custom editor tool
- new: props from the unity asset store and some custom made using bits and parts
- new: recipes for the new bombs used in underground mining
- new: a medium PvP ring in Zion (as per player request)
- new: button on login window to reset player preferences
- new: server side storage and retrieval optimized for bulk data (preparing for skills